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Long Weekend in Canada 2024 & 2025

Long Weekend, typically referring to a weekend extended by a public holiday or special occasion, offers a precious window of time that many eagerly anticipate. Did you know that long weekends are not universal across all countries? They often depend on cultural and regional holidays, making them unique experiences globally. These extended breaks provide a breather from the regular hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing individuals to unwind, explore new experiences, and reconnect with themselves or loved ones. The concept of a long weekend varies globally, depending on cultural and regional holidays, but universally, it signifies a period of leisure and potential adventure.

A long weekend commonly extends from Friday evening to Monday morning, encompassing three full days that are free from work or regular commitments. Did you know that the term “long weekend” was first used in England in the 19th century to refer to a weekend that included a public holiday, creating an extended break? This timeframe provides an opportunity for individuals to indulge in activities they may not have time for during the typical workweek, such as travel, hobbies, or simply relaxing and rejuvenating.

Making the most of a long weekend is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it offers a chance to break the monotony of routine and inject excitement and novelty into life. Did you know that studies show that taking short breaks like long weekends can improve productivity and creativity when returning to work? It’s a time to explore new places, try new activities, or dive deeper into existing passions.

Long Weekend in Canada

Curious about the next long weekend in Canada? This page has the dates for 2024’s long weekends in provinces like Ontario, BC, Alberta, and more.

In 2024, there are at least 7 long weekends in Canada, although this varies depending on your location and the holidays that aren’t typically on Mondays. When fixed-date holidays land on Fridays or Tuesdays, they also become long weekends, offering additional chances for extended breaks throughout the year.

This page breaks down the official long weekends in Canada for 2024, taking into account statutory holidays and how they align on the calendar to create these extended weekends:

Long weekends 2024 2025 2026
New Year’s Day long weekend Monday, January 1 Monday, January 1 Monday, January 1
Family Day Monday, February 19 Saturday, February 17 Friday, February 16
Easter Friday – Monday, March 29 – April 1 Friday – Monday, April 18 – April 21
Friday – Monday, April 3 – April 6
Victoria Day Monday, May 20 Sunday, May 19 Saturday, May 18
Canada Day Saturday – Monday, June 29 – July 1 Tuesday, July 1 (Not a long weekend)
Wednesday, July 1 (Not a long weekend)
Civic Holiday Monday, August 5 Sunday, August 4 Saturday, August 3
Labour Day Monday, September 2 Sunday, September 1 Saturday, September 7
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Monday, September 30 Tuesday, September 30 (Not a long weekend)
Wednesday, September 30 (Not a long weekend)
Thanksgiving Monday, October 14 Sunday, October 13 Saturday, October 12
Remembrance Day Monday, November 11 Tuesday, November 11 (Not a long weekend)
Wednesday, November 11 (Not a long weekend)
Christmas and Boxing Day Not a long weekend:
Wednesday – Thursday
Thursday – Sunday, December 25 – 28
Friday – Sunday, December 25 – 27

Canada Day Long Weekend 2024

The Canada Day long weekend in 2024 is indeed a fantastic opportunity for an extended break. Since Canada Day falls on a Monday, it transforms into a long weekend. This means that from Saturday to Monday, individuals across Canada can enjoy a three-day weekend filled with festivities, celebrations, and leisure activities. Many Canadians look forward to this holiday weekend as a time to relax, connect with loved ones, and participate in various events that commemorate the birth of Canada as a nation.

During the July long weekend in 2024, also known as the Canada Day long weekend, communities nationwide come alive with excitement. From vibrant fireworks displays to parades, cultural performances, and outdoor gatherings, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. It’s a time when Canadians proudly display their national spirit, reflecting on the country’s rich history, diverse heritage, and shared values. Whether it’s attending local festivities, embarking on a weekend getaway, or simply unwinding at home, the Canada Day long weekend in 2024 promises to be a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.

The August Long Weekend 2024

The August long weekend in 2024 spans from August 3rd to August 5th, marking the Civic Holiday observed on Monday, August 5th. While this holiday is recognized as a public holiday, it’s important to note that it’s not a statutory holiday nationwide; its observance varies across provinces. In some regions, such as Ontario, the Civic Holiday is celebrated, granting residents a well-deserved day off work to enjoy the peak of summer.

The August long weekend is a cherished time for many Canadians, offering an opportunity to soak in the warm weather and engage in a variety of leisure activities. Whether it’s exploring the great outdoors, attending local events and festivals, or simply relaxing with family and friends, this long weekend serves as a delightful break from routine. While not universally observed throughout the country, the Civic Holiday allows residents in certain provinces to make the most of these summer days and create lasting memories.

Labour Day Long Weekend 2024

The Labour Day long weekend, also known as the 2024 September long weekend, spans from August 31st to September 2nd, with Labour Day falling on Monday, September 2nd. This weekend serves as a significant marker, symbolizing the end of summer for many Canadians. It’s a time when families and friends often come together to enjoy the last days of warm weather before the routine of classes and work resumes.

Labour Day itself holds historical significance, honoring the contributions of workers and their achievements in advancing labor rights and standards. While it’s a day to recognize the labor movement’s accomplishments, the long weekend surrounding it also provides an opportunity for relaxation and leisure. Many people take advantage of this extended break to engage in outdoor activities, attend community events, or simply unwind before transitioning back to the fall season. Overall, the Labour Day long weekend in 2024 offers a blend of celebration, reflection, and rejuvenation as summer draws to a close.

Thanksgiving Long Weekend 2024

The Thanksgiving long weekend in 2024 is set to culminate on Monday, October 14th. This annual holiday is a time for Canadians to gather with family and friends, express gratitude, and enjoy a festive meal together. It’s a cherished tradition that celebrates the harvest and blessings of the past year, fostering a sense of community and togetherness.

During the October long weekend, many Canadians embark on trips to visit loved ones or partake in seasonal activities such as apple picking, pumpkin carving, and autumn hikes. The vibrant colors of fall add to the ambiance, creating a picturesque backdrop for gatherings and outdoor adventures. It’s also a time for reflection and appreciation, as people pause to acknowledge the blessings in their lives and extend thanks to those who have contributed positively.

Whether celebrating with a traditional Thanksgiving feast, attending local events and festivals, or simply enjoying the beauty of the season, the Thanksgiving long weekend in 2024 promises warmth, joy, and meaningful connections.

May Long Weekend 2024

The May long weekend in 2024, also known as the Victoria Day long weekend, is a highly anticipated break for Canadians, stretching from Saturday, May 18th to Monday, May 20th. This long weekend holds historical significance, commemorating Queen Victoria’s birthday, which falls on May 24th. It’s a time when Canadians embrace the arrival of spring and kick off the summer season with enthusiasm.

During the May long weekend, many Canadians engage in various outdoor activities, taking advantage of the warmer weather. Popular activities include camping trips, picnics in parks, hiking adventures, and visits to lakes or beaches for water sports and relaxation. The long weekend provides an excellent opportunity for families and friends to come together, enjoy outdoor barbecues, and partake in local events and festivals celebrating the holiday.

Fireworks displays are a traditional highlight of the Victoria Day celebrations, illuminating the night skies across cities and towns. These colorful spectacles are often accompanied by music and festivities, adding to the festive atmosphere of the long weekend. Overall, the May long weekend in 2024 offers a perfect blend of leisure, celebration, and outdoor enjoyment, setting a joyful tone for the summer ahead.

Activities for a Long Weekend

Long weekends offer a precious opportunity to break free from the routine and indulge in a range of activities that cater to different interests and preferences. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a culture enthusiast, or someone who values relaxation and leisure, there’s something for everyone to enjoy during a long weekend getaway.

Outdoor Adventures

  1. Hiking and Camping: Venture into nature trails, explore scenic vistas, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the great outdoors by embarking on a hiking or camping trip.
  2. Beach Trips: Bask in the sun, feel the sand between your toes, and enjoy refreshing swims in the ocean or lakeside during a rejuvenating beach getaway.
  3. Water Sports: Dive into thrilling water sports activities such as kayaking, paddleboarding, jet-skiing, or simply lounging on a boat for a memorable aquatic adventure.

Cultural Experiences

  1. Visiting Museums and Galleries: Immerse yourself in history, art, and culture by exploring museums, art galleries, and historical sites to broaden your knowledge and appreciation.
  2. Exploring Local Cuisine: Indulge your taste buds in culinary delights by sampling local cuisines, visiting food markets, or dining at renowned restaurants known for their regional specialties.
  3. Attending Festivals or Events: Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of festivals, concerts, or cultural events happening during the long weekend, offering opportunities to celebrate and connect with the local community.

Relaxation and Leisure

  1. Spa Days: Treat yourself to a day of pampering and relaxation at a spa, where you can indulge in massages, facials, and wellness treatments to rejuvenate your mind and body.
  2. Yoga Retreats: Engage in yoga and meditation practices in serene natural settings or join a yoga retreat to unwind, de-stress, and find inner peace.
  3. Reading and Downtime: Curl up with a good book, enjoy leisurely walks, or simply savor moments of tranquility and reflection during downtime, allowing yourself to recharge and unwind fully.

No matter your preference, a long weekend provides the perfect canvas to create memorable experiences, explore new passions, and rejuvenate your spirit.

Making the Most of Your Time

Making the most of a long weekend requires strategic planning, mindfulness, and a balance between activity and relaxation. Here are some tips and strategies to ensure you optimize your time and enjoy a fulfilling long weekend experience.

Time Management Tips

  1. Creating a Flexible Itinerary: Plan your activities and outings in advance, but allow room for flexibility. Unexpected opportunities or changes in weather may arise, so having a flexible schedule ensures you can adapt and make the most of your time.
  2. Prioritizing Activities: Identify your top priorities for the long weekend, whether it’s exploring a specific destination, trying new activities, or simply relaxing. Prioritizing helps you allocate time and resources efficiently.
  3. Allowing for Downtime: Don’t forget to schedule downtime and relaxation periods between activities. Overpacking your schedule can lead to burnout, so balance adventure with moments of rest and rejuvenation.

Avoiding Burnout

  1. Balancing Relaxation and Exploration: Strike a balance between adventurous outings and leisurely activities. Mix sightseeing with downtime to avoid feeling overwhelmed and maximize enjoyment.
  2. Staying Hydrated and Well-Rested: Maintain your well-being by staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and listening to your body’s cues. Proper rest and hydration are essential for sustaining energy levels throughout the long weekend.
  3. Managing Expectations: Be realistic about what you can accomplish during the long weekend. Avoid overcommitting or setting unrealistic goals, as this can lead to stress and disappointment. Set achievable expectations and focus on enjoying the experiences you have planned.

By implementing these time management tips and strategies for avoiding burnout, you can make the most of your long weekend and create lasting memories without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. Prioritize self-care, stay organized, and embrace the flexibility to adapt to new opportunities, ensuring a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

Capturing Memories

A long weekend is an ideal opportunity to create lasting memories and preserve cherished moments. Whether through photography, journaling, or blogging, capturing memories allows you to relive experiences and share them with others. Here are some tips and methods for effectively capturing and preserving your long weekend memories.

Photography Tips

  1. Choosing the Right Gear: Invest in a camera or smartphone with quality features that suit your photography style. Consider factors such as resolution, lens options, and portability to capture stunning images during your long weekend adventures.
  2. Capturing Candid Moments: Focus on capturing candid moments and genuine emotions rather than staged poses. Candid shots often convey the true essence of a moment and evoke powerful memories when revisited.
  3. Editing and Organizing Photos: Take time to edit and organize your photos after the long weekend. Use photo editing software or apps to enhance colors, adjust lighting, and create a cohesive visual story. Organize photos into albums or folders based on themes or locations for easy retrieval and sharing.

Journaling or Blogging

  1. Documenting Experiences: Keep a journal or blog to document your experiences, thoughts, and feelings during the long weekend. Write about memorable encounters, scenic views, and exciting activities to capture the essence of each moment.
  2. Reflecting on Highlights: Take moments to reflect on the highlights of your long weekend adventures. Write about what made each experience special, lessons learned, and personal growth achieved during your time away.
  3. Sharing Insights and Recommendations: Share insights, tips, and recommendations based on your long weekend experiences. Whether through social media posts, blog articles, or travel reviews, sharing your insights can inspire others and help them plan their own memorable getaways.

By implementing these photography, journaling, or blogging techniques, you can effectively capture and preserve your long weekend memories. Whether through visually stunning photos or engaging written narratives, documenting your experiences allows you to relive moments, share stories, and create a lasting legacy of your adventures.

Post-Long Weekend Reflection

After a fulfilling long weekend, taking time for reflection is essential to unwind, gain insights, and plan for future adventures. Here are key aspects to consider during your post-long weekend reflection:

Unwinding and Transitioning Back to Routine

  1. Rest and Relaxation: Allow yourself time to unwind and recover from the long weekend’s activities. Prioritize restful activities such as reading, meditation, or gentle exercise to ease back into your regular routine.
  2. Slow Transition: Gradually transition back to work or daily responsibilities to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Start with small tasks and prioritize essential activities before diving into more demanding tasks.

Reflecting on Experiences and Lessons Learned

  1. Memorable Moments: Reflect on the memorable moments and experiences from the long weekend. Write down highlights, favorite activities, and special encounters to cherish and revisit in the future.
  2. Lessons and Insights: Consider the lessons learned and insights gained during the long weekend. Reflect on personal growth, new perspectives, and skills acquired that can contribute positively to your life moving forward.

Planning Future Long Weekends or Vacations

  1. Evaluate Goals: Assess your long-term travel goals, interests, and priorities. Consider destinations, activities, and experiences you wish to explore in future long weekends or vacations.
  2. Research and Plan: Research potential destinations, accommodation options, and activities for upcoming long weekends or vacations. Create a rough itinerary and budget to guide your planning process.
  3. Set Intentions: Set intentions for future travel experiences, such as seeking adventure, relaxation, cultural immersion, or personal development. Align your plans with your intentions to create meaningful and fulfilling trips.

By engaging in post-long weekend reflection, you can effectively transition back to routine, gain valuable insights, and set the groundwork for memorable future adventures. Use this time to nurture your well-being, cultivate gratitude for past experiences, and envision exciting travel opportunities ahead.

Long Weekend


What are the long weekends in 2024 in Canada?

In 2024, there are several long weekends in Canada, depending on the province or territory. Here are the common long weekends observed across the country:

  1. New Year’s Day long weekend: January 1st (Monday)
  2. Family Day long weekend (varies by province):
    • February 19th (Monday) in some provinces
    • February 17th (Monday) in others
  3. Easter long weekend: March 29th (Friday) to April 1st (Monday)
  4. Victoria Day long weekend: May 20th (Monday)
  5. Canada Day long weekend: June 29th (Saturday) to July 1st (Monday)
  6. Civic Holiday long weekend: August 5th (Monday)
  7. Labour Day long weekend: September 2nd (Monday)
  8. Thanksgiving long weekend: October 14th (Monday)

Please note that some holidays may vary in certain provinces or territories, and additional long weekends may be observed based on regional holidays or cultural events. It’s always advisable to check with local authorities or calendars for specific dates and holidays applicable to your location.

What are the Canadian long weekends?

Canadian long weekends are holidays that fall on a Friday or Monday, creating extended breaks for individuals to enjoy leisure activities, spend time with family and friends, or embark on travel adventures. These long weekends are eagerly anticipated throughout the year, offering a welcome respite from the regular workweek and an opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate. They often coincide with significant holidays such as New Year’s Day, Easter, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, among others, allowing Canadians to celebrate these occasions with extended festivities and relaxation.

Long weekends in Canada contribute significantly to the country’s tourism industry, with many people taking advantage of the extra time off to explore different regions, visit tourist attractions, or participate in special events and festivals. They also foster a sense of community as families and communities come together to celebrate holidays and enjoy shared experiences. Overall, Canadian long weekends play a vital role in promoting work-life balance, supporting local economies, and creating cherished memories for individuals and families alike.

What are some popular activities during long weekends in Canada?

During long weekends in Canada, people engage in a wide range of activities depending on their preferences, the season, and the region they’re in. Here are some popular activities that Canadians often enjoy during long weekends:

  1. Outdoor Adventures: Many Canadians take advantage of the extra time off to explore the great outdoors. Activities like hiking, camping, fishing, boating, and biking are popular, especially during the warmer months.
  2. Beach Trips: Long weekends in the summer often see people heading to lakeshores, riversides, and coastal areas for beach vacations. Swimming, sunbathing, building sandcastles, and water sports like kayaking and paddleboarding are common activities.
  3. City Explorations: Some people prefer to explore cities and towns during long weekends. They may visit museums, art galleries, historical sites, local markets, and shopping districts, immersing themselves in the culture and attractions of urban areas.
  4. Cultural Events and Festivals: Long weekends often coincide with cultural events, festivals, and celebrations. Canadians enjoy attending music festivals, food fairs, parades, fireworks displays, and other community events that showcase local culture and traditions.
  5. Family Gatherings: Long weekends provide an excellent opportunity for families to come together. Barbecues, picnics, potluck dinners, and family outings to parks, zoos, and amusement parks are common activities during these times.
  6. Sports and Recreation: Sports enthusiasts take advantage of long weekends to participate in recreational activities such as golfing, tennis, soccer, baseball, and various team sports. Some may also attend sporting events or tournaments happening over the weekend.
  7. Relaxation and Wellness: For those seeking relaxation and wellness, long weekends are perfect for spa days, yoga retreats, meditation sessions, and wellness workshops. It’s a time to recharge, de-stress, and focus on self-care.
  8. Travel Getaways: Many Canadians use long weekends as an opportunity to travel domestically or internationally. Whether it’s a road trip, a weekend getaway to a nearby destination, or a longer vacation, travel is a popular activity during extended breaks.

Overall, long weekends in Canada cater to a diverse range of interests and offer something for everyone, whether they prefer adventure, culture, relaxation, or quality time with loved ones.

How can I make the most of a long weekend in Canada?

Making the most of a long weekend in Canada involves planning ahead, balancing activities, and prioritizing experiences that align with your interests and goals. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your long weekend:

  1. Plan Ahead: Start by deciding how you want to spend your long weekend. Whether it’s exploring a new city, indulging in outdoor adventures, or simply relaxing at home, having a rough plan can help you make efficient use of your time.
  2. Create a Flexible Itinerary: While it’s good to have a plan, allow room for flexibility. Unexpected opportunities or changes in weather may arise, so having a flexible schedule ensures you can adapt and make the most of your time.
  3. Prioritize Activities: Identify your top priorities for the long weekend. Whether it’s visiting specific attractions, trying new restaurants, or spending quality time with family and friends, prioritize activities that are most meaningful to you.
  4. Allow for Downtime: Don’t overpack your schedule. Allow time for relaxation and downtime between activities. It’s important to recharge and avoid burnout, especially during an extended break.
  5. Embrace Local Experiences: Explore local attractions, events, and cultural activities. Long weekends are a great time to immerse yourself in the local culture, try new foods, and discover hidden gems in your area.
  6. Try Something New: Use the long weekend as an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Whether it’s a new outdoor activity, hobby, or cuisine, embracing new experiences can add excitement and richness to your weekend.
  7. Disconnect and Unplug: Consider disconnecting from digital devices and unplugging from work emails and social media during your long weekend. This allows you to be fully present and enjoy the moment without distractions.
  8. Stay Mindful and Grateful: Practice mindfulness and gratitude throughout the weekend. Take time to appreciate the experiences, moments, and people around you, fostering a sense of joy and fulfillment.

By following these tips and tailoring them to your preferences, you can make the most of your long weekend in Canada and create meaningful memories that last a lifetime.

Are there any changes or updates to long weekends expected in the coming years?

Forecasting changes to long weekends in Canada can be a bit tricky, but there are several factors to consider:

  1. Statutory Holiday Schedule: The current statutory holiday schedule in Canada is unlikely to undergo significant changes in the near future. However, discussions may arise about introducing new national holidays, potentially creating additional long weekends based on their placement on the calendar.
  2. Provincial Variations: Some provinces have the authority to declare additional provincial holidays. While these may not result in long weekends nationwide, they could lead to extended breaks in specific regions, providing residents with extra leisure time.
  3. Shifting Traditions: There’s a growing movement to recognize and celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day in October as a statutory holiday. If this initiative gains national recognition, it could contribute to a long weekend in October, depending on the chosen date.

Additional factors influencing long weekends might include:

  • Work Culture Shifts: A shift towards more flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or compressed workweeks, could reduce the significance of long weekends as essential breaks. Individuals may opt to spread out their vacation days evenly throughout the year.
  • Economic Considerations: The rising costs associated with traditional long weekend activities like travel and accommodation could deter some Canadians from participating. This could potentially diminish the importance of long weekends as primary opportunities for relaxation and recreation.

While major changes to long weekends are not guaranteed in the coming years, the potential introduction of new holidays, provincial variations, and evolving work cultures could all contribute to shaping how Canadians experience and enjoy these extended breaks.

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